Robert Davies
(UK)[1964] b. Birmingham, l. Offenham
Acrylics, a series of colour luminogram "objects" mounted behind thick acrylic glass, 2004 www.gbsfineart.com
Francis M. Davis
(USA)[] Santa Monica/CA
X-ray of flowers, angel trumpets and cactus, ca. 1935 www.loc.gov
Wim Delvoye
(Belgium)[1965] b. Wervik, l. Ghent
Cloaca-X-Rayed, x-ray on ilfochrome of his shit producing machine, 2003 www.bartschi.ch
'January' and other monts (2001) - x-rays of erotic situations in church glass window www.migrosmuseum.ch
cryptopornographic x-rays realized in part as stained glass windows & "Via Cruzis" with x-raxed rats, 2000-2008 wimdelvoye.be
Agnes Denes
(USA)[1931] b. Budapest, l. in New York
X-RAY ROSES 1980, 5-color silkscreen with metallics and hand coloring www.photoarts.com
Susan Derges
(UK)[1955] b. in London, l. Throwleigh/Devon
Shoreline, 5 October 1998 (detail), 1998 www.carleton.edu
two photograms from "the river Taw", in: Leonardo 34.1 (2001) 8 muse.jhu.edu
b/w river photogram and recent studio photograms on ilofochrome www.fraenkelgallery.com
Rivers and Stars,interview by Satish Kumar, 2003 www.resurgence.org
ilfochrome shadowgraphs with water and plants made in the studio, 2005-2020 www.danzigergallery.com
video documentation, 2010 www.vam.ac.uk
early black white river works, 1997-98 www.inglebygallery.com
water and ice colour shadowgraphs, 1992-2004 www.prixpictet.com
works by Susan Derges from 1980's till today, including interviews and articles usanderges.com
Seze Devres
(USA)[1975] New York
enlarged photgrams on colour sheet film combined with multi exposure, 1996 to the present www.seze.ne
Madge Donahoe of Hampstead
"scotography",1920s, probably a flowerphotogram (from Felicia Scatchard's album, College of Psychic Studies) www.transcommunication.org
Arthur Wesley Dow
(USA)[1857–1922] b.Ipswich, d. NY
cyanotype of dandelion leaves estimated 1895-1910 www.invaluable.com
Zbigniew Andrzej Dłubak
(Poland)[1921–2005] b. Radomsko, d. Warsaw
"Ikonosfera", b/w body photogram installation, 1967 fototapeta.art.pl